Stay out of a truck's blind spots

By Ronak
Driving Safety

A driver distraction survey conducted recently has shown that most of the accidents on the road are caused by distractions which make drivers lose track of their blind spots. If you are distracted by talking, eating, or trying to read something while you are riding, the chances are high that you will lose track of vehicles entering into your blind spot. This problem cause more danger in the case of large trucks. Despite the fact that these divers are sitting high up in the cabin, they are having a large blind spots on the four sides of their vehicle. Though most of the truck drivers are efficient in their job, human error is inevitable. Therefore it is better to get a driving lesson on how to stay safe while driving along a truck.

In a city like Sydney it is hard to ride through the highway without seeing a trailer truck. Many dangerous incidents have been caused due to not knowing how to ride beside a trailer trucks or semi trailer. A good driving instructor will give you training on how to avoid the blind spots of the truck. Blind spots on the truck are at its back, immediate front and on either side where the driver’s eye and the rear-view mirror cannot reach. Some of the trucks are now provided with an extra blind spot mirror for bridging this gap.

The details about the blind spots of the truck drivers are taught only in a high standard Sydney Driving School. They will give you graphic instructions on how to avoid the danger of passing in front of a truck. Then, conducting a driving test based on that will give a good idea on how to keep ourselves safe. The first and the foremost thing that a driver should have is patience. You should keep in mind that heavy vehicles like trucks cannot manoeuvre easily like small vehicles. Proper Sydney driving lessons include the instructions on avoiding a close follow on a truck. This will mask your view of the vehicles coming in the opposite direction.

A car driver should follow a truck at a distance of minimum 3 seconds gap and could be more which depend on situation, thereby providing enough space for breaking in emergency situations. If you are riding very close, the chances of tailgating are also high. Another point to remember is that while you are riding beside a truck makes sure that you can see the face of the truck driver in the trucks rear view mirror. Don’t hesitate to double your safe distance in adverse conditions. Knowing these safety tips will keep you from the harm’s way while driving along a truck.

Ron Marsha has written many articles on Parramatta Driving School, Defensive Driving, Penrith Driving Lessons, Strathfield Driving Instructor, Inner West Sydney Driving School, Sydney Driving School, Castle Hill Driving School, Onroad Driving School and North Rocks Driving School etc.

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