New 1 Metre Rule For Motorists

By Ronak

Drivers in New South Wales who travel too close to cyclists will be fined $330 and lose two demerit points under new laws being introduced by the State Government following a successful two-year trial.

The laws mean drivers who pass cyclists must leave a distance of at least one metre when the speed limit is 60 kilometres per hour or lower. When the speed limit is above 60kph, they must leave a 1.5m gap.

Roads Minister Melinda Pavey said a two-year trial of the laws was a success and showed a 15 per cent reduction in bicycle to vehicle crashes. Ms Pavey said thousands of people were surveyed and "common sense" motorists supported the rule.

We strongly encourage everyone to abide by the 1 metre rule, as it is for everyone's safety. Let us help keep our roads and community safe!




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