Learn To Drive Safely With Driving School In Hurstville

By Ronak

Driving is an exhilarating activity. You can embark on the open road whenever you like, taking in new sights and places as you travel with friends. You can go for a late-night pizza run or a spontaneous adventure. Few things are as relaxing as going for a drive to nowhere in particular.

Along with the joys of driving, though, come some risk. No mode of transportation is completely risk-free, but there are several things you can do to set yourself up for safe travel. When you learn to drive at our Onroad Driving School in Hurstville, you can rest assured that you are in good hands and will learn everything you need to know about safe driving. Our trained instructors will teach you the ins and outs of safe driving. As a bonus, our course also includes the government initiated Safer Drivers Course.

We have been teaching students like you for almost a decade. Our staff is ready to help get you to where you need to be to pass your driving test the first time. We are so confident that you can pass on your first go that we will give you free lessons if you do not. Our instructors see an incredibly high pass rate (80% among our over 10,000 students). Our school is the number one award winning driving school in Sydney, and our instructors can teach driving for both automatic, and manual transmission and the school is open every day.

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