Government introduces new road rule on mobile phones

By Ronak

The subject of mobile phone use while driving is a current issue in NSW and regular Government campaigns are created in order to tackle it. In recent news, from the 1st of December 2016, ‘P2 licence holders must not use any function of a mobile phone while driving or riding, or when stationary but not parked’ (Transport for NSW, 2016). The Government is introducing this rule in order to help reduce mobile phones being a cause of road fatalities and serious incidents.

The mobile phone can be a distraction and hazard particularly for younger and inexperienced drivers. The driver must focus on the task at hand, which in this context is driving – to reach their destination safely. According to Monash University Accident Research Centre study, ‘0.9% casualty crashes in NSW between 2000-2011 were caused by using a mobile phone’ (Accident Statistics, 2013). This percentage has probably increased over the years.

Members of the community, parents and younger drivers need to be aware of the mobile phone road rules. This will assist in answering common questions of what is and isn’t allowed when it comes to this device. It will also help keep drivers safer on the roads.

For more information on mobile phone road rules please click on the following link

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