What is Ryda?

RYDA goes beyond being just a program; it forms a collaborative partnership that assists educators in guiding their students towards acquiring the necessary tools and comprehension to view themselves as responsible and active citizens on the road. Employing a predominantly student-led inquiry learning approach, RYDA seamlessly integrates into the school culture, becoming a consistent presence from the commencement to the conclusion of a young individual's high school journey. Furthermore, RYDA equips students with the skills, routines, and motivation to adopt safe practices as drivers and passengers on roads throughout their entire lives.

The program's effectiveness in fostering lasting change hinges on the synergy of educational materials supporting one another and the repetition of key messages over time. Developed by the esteemed learning organization, Road Safety Education Limited (RSE), RYDA is meticulously crafted to complement the high school curriculum.

At the core of RYDA is a captivating and memorable one-day workshop, strategically designed to enhance students' grasp of road safety. These workshop sessions, conducted in small classroom-sized groups (typically around 25 students), are facilitated by a team of trained experts, including police officers, driving instructors, and specialists from the community sector.

RYDA's impact extends across 660 high schools in Australia and New Zealand, engaging an average of 40,000 students annually in the comprehensive RYDA Program.


Teachers should consider booking their high school students for RYDA as it offers a comprehensive journey in road safety education. From dissecting crash factors to understanding how personal choices impact risk, RYDA guides students through the development of practical strategies and plans.

By fostering a sense of social responsibility and emphasising protective measures like graduated licensing and safe system approaches, RYDA equips students not just with driving skills, but with a mindset that prioritises safety and responsible behaviour on the road.


Students should be eager to attend RYDA workshops because they go beyond traditional driver's education. RYDA offers a dynamic journey, empowering students to understand the complexities of road safety, recognise personal influences on risk, and develop practical strategies.

By instilling a sense of social responsibility and highlighting measures like graduated licensing, RYDA not only enhances driving skills but also fosters a mindset that prioritises safety and responsible behavior on the road, making the workshops both informative and transformative for young drivers.

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Steering you in the right direction

Onroad Driving Education is extremely passionate about road safety and equipping young drivers with the tools to stay safe behind the wheel for life as well as contributing to the overall improvement of road user safety on Australian roads. 

Onroad supports the RYDA program and its continued efforts to lower road fatalities and make strides in the driver education sector. We are Australia's Leading Experts in Driver Education and offer driving lessons, online courses, The Safer Drivers Course, Disability Driving Lessons and much more. If you would like to learn more about our services click the button below. 

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